A very good morning to everyone. I iz happygirl94 today because I manage to get Opus Jay 2013 world tour ticket!!^_^ Started going to the web since 0930 like that and managed to only get the tix like on 1100! At first I managed to get cat3 tickets but I got logged out by the system... :'( But the lucky thing is I managed to get cat5 tix in the end. Hopefully I can get cat2 tix the next time he come :-D
Anyway yesterday I did a yolo stuff! I overslept on my exam paper and I didn't attend. It's the first time that this is happening to me. Hopefully the world will void my major paper so I don't have to sit for the exam.
周董终于要来新加坡了 而我也是很幸运因为我可以去看他的演唱会