Monday, December 31


As usual, I'm gonna sum up my 2012! In this year, I'm 18 this year. I can say 18 is the age where you started to spend alot money. It's where you start to club and drink all these. I done my 4th and 5th tattoos as well. I guess this year it's the year I travelled more than once haha. I went bkk twice, Malaysia as well as Indonesia! Most importantly, I travelled with my friends for the first time :-D The most steady person I ever met int life definitely is Jasmine -*

Started my Poly life in Ngee Ann also. I met wonderful friends! Like Jasmine Piong/Tan, Jesphne, Diyanah as well as my T1M5! :-) Thanks for making my freshie year wonderful. I cca-hop from basketball to track. And this year, I left basketball or should I say basketball officially left my life.

I got my driving license this year within the span of 5months. So glad :-D Though its been a hard year for me but there's still good stuffs! Wonderful people made my life definitely! And there's new people in my life like Cheryl, Suann and Xizhi. So bliss to have every single one of you in my life.

Piong- Thanks for being there despite me being irritating towards you most of the time. And thanks for accompany me when I'm being left alone and also, being the most steady person in my life. Despite all the last minute decision I made, you still support me. And also, hearing me out when I'm feeling troubled xoxo

Monkey- Hello monkey! Surprised that you are being named here? :-) Well, thanks for being so naise towards me even though sometimes you ignore me :-p Without you, I would have one lesser person to talk to me everytime. Even though all the outings we planned ended up failed, I'm sure there's one which will succeed! See you later on ;-) Muacks xoxo

Bff/Hubz- Hello my dearest baby love. Even though we seldom meet up but I'm glad that we never ran out of topic to talk about. Thanks for being there for me ever since 2009 and remember we were once enemy? Hehe I will never forget how we became friends and close. Xoxo

Garfield- I guess it's been months since we last met but I will never forget you.

Usual Love- Hello hello!!! Thanks for being there and I'm glad we are still as one after we graduated from Jws. You all are the only close friends I left after I graduated. I cherished every single moments I had with you even though we seldom meet up xoxo