Wednesday, January 22


Today mark my new phrase of my life and it's no longer a fat candle for me. From this moment onward, everything will be a new beginning for me. Stepping into young adult life, being one of the few that turn 20 first... No doubt, time really flies. I wish I could slow down time so I wouldn't turn old so fast. I can't deny age is catching up with me :-(

As usual, dinz nd' spending the very first moment of this special day with my family as well as B! And thanks B for the watch you gotten for me, really really love it a lot! :-)

1year, 12months, 365days, 8760hours, 525600minutes, 32536000seconds. Flame to dust, friends to strangers, it's funny how many things changes so fast... People who were here last year isn't here with me anymore. Don't talk about a year or a month, a day definitely will change a lot of things. Looking at the board budz did for me last year made me miss everything. It's been months since we talked and every single day without fail, I hope you come back

不知道是不是随着年纪大了 期望就变少了。生日渐渐变成一种不特别的日子。。。虽然以前生日对我来说很重要 但是现在,能跟亲爱的人和很好很好的朋友度过我就心满意足了。生日真的能看得出身边的人有多么关心你 多么在乎你