Sunday, April 13


it's been 33days without any contact, I'm slowly refraining myself from stalking you or even knowing any news about you. it's hard for me but I guess it's best for you... I guess it's time for me to back out, it's time for me to stop avoiding the truth that you are long gone and moved on

I guess you found someone new from the look of your eyes and the way you look at her. I hope she's better than me and I hope she will give you the best of everything and most importantly she love you unconditionally as well as you are happy with her... I also hope that she's able to give you everything that I'm not able to... 

I came to realized that after your departure, I started having a distance from guys yes I'm gender stereotyping now. I find it hard to communicate with guys even as a friend. it's just me, it's no one fault... it's like somehow a phobia of guys...

and important rule in life:
rule #1 you can fight for your own happiness but not on the expenses of others
rule #2 never ever get together with your friend's ex or someone they like before/now
rule #3 bestfriend/BFF will always stay as that bc once you both get into a rs, the whole friendship will be ruin
rule #4 in order not to have any heartbreak or disappointment, don't fall in love with guys especially those that work in a club bc no matter how much you trust them, it will increase your insecurity x1000000000